Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Attempt To Like Christmas ~ Blog 28

This is an actual tree. It's at least 50 feet tall. 

No post yesterday? No post yesterday. Tomcat, my uncle, is in town and we were too busy doing Boston things for me to sit down and blog.

Standing entirely too close to the tree.
It's holiday time in the big city, which means Christmas lights. The Boston Harbor Hotel, which hangs the largest American flag you've ever seen for the Fourth of July, currently has a giant light display hanging in its rotunda.

Just down the street from the Harbor Hotel, Tomcat and I went to Quincy Market to check out the light show synchronized to music from the Boston Pops orchestra.

Christmas hasn't been my thing. Perhaps you've noticed that. But I can get into this kind of Christmas tradition. Tomcat and I had to wait at Quincy for 15 minutes for the show to begin with maybe 10 or so people. The Salvation Army ringer was sitting 15 feet from his kettle, shaking his bell once every minute or so. It was not a happening place.

All the lights on the trees around the market shut off. Tomcat broke out his iPhone to take video. Here's one from opening night (skip the first minute).

I'm not a cultured man ("No!" you say) so I can't tell you what song the speakers played. Hallelujah was repeated, over and over again. Tomcat doesn't impress easily but called it, "somewhat amazing. Just wow." That's high praise.

Christmas can be fun. This isn't breaking news to most people but it's somewhat revelatory to me. The season is actually kind of nice. What's to dislike about having a hot toddy and watching skaters on Boston Common?

Like any 7-year-old, I've been guilty of focusing on the presents. Dreaming up a Christmas list isn't easy when you don't really want anything. Opening presents isn't particularly awesome when you don't know what you asked for.

But Christmas trees with light shows synchronized to classical music? I can get used to this.

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