Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Song Reference Here ~ Storm Update

I'd love to have pictures with this blog, but it's hard to take pictures when it's raining sideways.

Daisy Duke is, as most of you know, a dog. As such, Daisy Duke sometimes needs to go outside. And so it was 15 minutes ago when we went to the dog park up the street for her second of three outings of the day.

It smelled funny. That's what hit me as we walked up the street. There is a smell that comes when you rip a branch off a tree with a chainsaw or when you're snapping branches with your hand. It's a sawdust-like smell and it's unmistakable.

It was almost a surprise to see a few medium-small tree branches on the ground. There's virtually nothing like that on our street, but the park is up a hill, not protected by buildings. The leaves were flying off trees as winds gusted over 50 mph. I'm just guessing about that number, based on local weather reports.

Though a bit confused at first (and scared of a flapping noise emitting from some Halloween flags a neighbor put up), Daisy was a little tentative before bounding about the park. She writhed on her back in the grass and cavorted with sticks. Mostly, I tried to keep my Minnesota Twins cap from blowing off.

And now I have to go to work. It feels exactly like it felt as a kid, when all the other school districts cancelled classes but yours stubbornly soldiered on.

1 comment:

  1. Mine was always the school that soldiered on. Stay safe!
