Monday, October 29, 2012

Rock You Like a Hurricane ~ P90X Blog 7

There's a couple feet of retaining wall between our parks and the water. Also, it hurt my face taking this picture.

Dad used to love severe weather. During a big storm he'd go out to the garage, open the garage door and just watch the weather. In a particularly bad storm, with a tornado warning in effect for our town, Dad stood there laughing. I'm pretty sure I went inside and sat in a closet by myself.

Dad would love this weather. Boston is not in the direct path of Hurricane Sandy, but we're seeing some effects. That's about as bad as it is. We're seeing some effects.

People are, of course, freaking the hell out. Boston is shutting down the subways at 2 p.m., which will force The Wife to take a cab home from work. Schools are not in session. Police are driving down the streets saying something over the loudspeaker. It's impossible to say what the police are announcing, as they're flying by at 20 mph and not stopping to actually let anybody hear the message. Many workplaces are closed.

This is a big deal, but it's really not that big a deal. We've maybe had a half inch of rain today. Sure, the winds are gusty and the tide is coming in quite high, but it's basically just windy. I have to drive 55 miles to work today. TW has to take a cab home. That's about the worst of it for us.

In Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York this is a big deal. There's lots of rain there already and it's dangerous. I'm not sure it's worth canceling Michael Strahan and Kelly Rippa for this storm in Boston to show live coverage from Cape Cod. It's not that big a deal.

And now I have to drive TW to work. I'll update the blog if something exciting happens on the way there or home. Like maybe I'll pick up some Chinese food! With hot and sour soup! What terrors this storm will rain down on my waistline!

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